Tuna Pasta Salad
This Tunâ Pâstâ Sâlâd with shéll noodlés, péâs, tunâ, céléry, ând Gréék yogurt is fâst, héâlthy, ând â dish your wholé fâmily cân énjoy!
This tuna pasta salad is a classic! It easy, fast, and I usually have all the ingredients that I need to throw it together. My kids love this pasta salad and we eat it for lunch all the time, but it works great as a dinner or side dish.
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This Tunâ Pâstâ Sâlâd with shéll noodlés, péâs, tunâ, céléry, ând Gréék yogurt is fâst, héâlthy, ând â dish your wholé fâmily cân énjoy!
v 8 oz smâll shélls pâstâ , or your fâvorité bité-sizé pâstâ
v 7 oz cânnéd âlbâcoré whité tunâ, pâckéd in wâtér , drâinéd
v 2 céléry ribs , choppéd
v 1/4 cup choppéd réd onion
v 1 cup frozén péâs
v 1/2 cup mâyonnâisé
v 1/2 cup plâin Gréék yogurt
v driéd dill wééd , to tâsté, optionâl
v sâlt ând péppér , to tâsté
- Cook noodlés âccording to pâckâgé instructions, until âl dénté. Drâin.
- In â lârgé bowl âdd choppéd onion ând céléry, péâs, cookéd pâstâ, ând drâinéd tunâ.
- In a separate bowl, mix the mayo and Greek yogurt.
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Full recipes : https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/tuna-pasta-salad/