
Cheesy Broccoli Casserole

If you love broccoli and cheese, you will LOVE this Cheesy Broccoli Casserole. I’ve come to discover, that thus far, every woman I’ve put this casserole in front of, has loved it.

Every man I’ve put this casserole in front of, has cringed because it has the word “broccoli” in it. HOWEVER, most men do eat it out of politeness and then tell me it wasn’t half bad.

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Cheesy Broccoli Casserole

Having said that, my husband and Father-in-Law have both been forced to eat this quite a bit in the last few months. This is because I’ve found it to be such an easy side dish. Despite this, neither of them would say it’s their favorite, they still eat it.

My Mother-in-Law and I both agree that this is the best Cheesy Broccoli Casserole we’ve ever eaten. Seriously, it’s incredible! We LOVE it.

v  4 cups choppéd broccoli
v  1 (10 ouncé) cân of créâm of chickén soup
v  1 cup mâyonnâisé or mirâclé whip (wé préfér mâyo)
v  1/4 cup of buttér méltéd (1/2 stick)
v  2 lârgé éggs, slightly béâtén
v  1/2 médium onion finély choppéd
v  1/2 téâspoon sâlt
v  1/4 téâspoon péppér
v  1 1/2 cups éxtrâ shârp chéddâr chéésé
v  1/2 sléévé of Ritz crâckérs, crushéd


  1. Preheat oven to 350*F
  2. Place broccoli in a steaming basket on stove and steam for 5 minutes or until broccoli is tender to a fork.
  3. Remove broccoli from stove and chop into bite sized pieces. Place into a medium size mixing bowl.
  4. Add to broccoli, soup, mayonnaise, butter, eggs, onion, salt and pepper. Mix well.
  5. Add 3/4 cup of cheese to broccoli mixture and mix well.
  6. .........
  7. ................
  8. .......................

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