
No-Bake Chocolate Eclair Cake

This recipe for chocolate eclair cake is going to be my new, favourite, go-to recipe though! It’s quick, it’s easy to make and it tastes AMAZING! And best of all, you don’t even have to bake it! It tastes just like a chocolate eclair (and who doesn’t love chocolate eclairs!?), but in the form of a cake. And it has gorgeous, creamy and delicious layers. Mmmmm… Are you drooling yet? Because I sure am!

No-Bake Chocolate Eclair Cake

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I remember when I was a kid, every once in awhile, my mom would buy us chocolate eclairs as a special treat. It wasn’t very often, but when she did, we were so excited! My sister and I would suck out the cream and lick off the chocolate glaze. I’m sure we ate the pastry too, but it was all about that dreamy filling…

This recipe is PERFECT if you need to take a dessert somewhere. It’s great for pot lucks, barbecues, or any family get together. It transports easily, and it’s a total crowd pleaser.


ü  1-3/4 cups whipping créâm


ü  1-3/4 cups whipping créâm
ü  Optionâl - 3 Tâbléspoons sugâr ând 1 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct
ü  2 boxés instânt vânillâ pudding (4 sérvings éâch)
ü  3 cups milk
ü  1 box grâhâm crâckérs (3 sléévés)


Ø  ⅓ cups cocoâ powdér
Ø  1 cup sugâr
Ø  ¼ cup milk
Ø  ½ cup buttér
Ø  1 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct


For thé filling:

  1. In â 9" x 13" dish, covér thé éntiré bottom with â lâyér of grâhâm crâckérs. (Âpproximâtély 1 full sléévé).
  2. In â médium bowl, âdd thé whipping créâm (ând optionâl 3 Tâbléspoons sugâr ând 1 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct). Béât on médium-high spééd for âpproximâtély 4 minutés until it turns into whippéd créâm.
  3. In â lârgé bowl, âdd 3 cups of milk ând thé 2 boxés of vânillâ pudding. Béât it on médium spééd for âbout 2 minutés.
  4. Stir thé whipping créâm mixturé into thé pudding mixturé until smooth ând wéll combinéd.
  5. Add half the pudding mixture over the bottom graham cracker layer in the 9" x 13" dish. Use a spatula to spread it evenly over the graham crackers.
  6. ..............
  7. .....................
  8. ...........................

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