

This delicious Skinny Slow Cooker Kung Pao Chicken is coated in a sweet and spicy sauce with tender vegetables and crunchy cashews. Skip the takeout, this is so much healthier and better!
There is no deep frying required. Just a little oil to brown the chicken. Plus it has a generous serving of tender crisp veggies. I used red peppers and zucchini but you can easily swap in your favorites.


To make this Kung Pao Chicken, start by coating the chicken in cornstarch and browning it before adding it into the slow cooker. If you are in a pinch, you can skip this step but browning the chicken on the stove first makes a big difference!

Ø  3 tâbléspoons cornstârch (or ârrowroot powdér)
Ø  ¼ tsp blâck péppér
Ø  ⅛ tsp sâlt
Ø  1 - 1¼ lbs bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréâsts (âbout 2-3 piécés), cut into bité-sizéd chunks
Ø  3-4 tâbléspoons olivé oil
Ø  **4 - 6 driéd réd chili péppérs (to tâsté) found in Âsiân supérmârkéts or thé Intérnâtionâl séction of â lârgé châin grocéry storé - séé NOTÉ
Ø  ⅔ cup roâstéd câshéws (or roâstéd péânuts)
Ø  1 réd béll péppér, choppéd into bité-sizéd piécés
Ø  1 médium zucchini, choppéd into hâlvés

Sâucé (Féél fréé to doublé thé sâucé if you liké moré sâucé)

v  ½ cup low-sodium soy sâucé
v  ½ cup wâtér
v  3 Tâbléspoons honéy
v  2 Tâbléspoons hoisin sâucé
v  3 gârlic clovés, mincéd
v  1 tsp grâtéd frésh gingér
v  ¼ - ½ téâspoon driéd réd péppér chili flâkés

Cornstârch slurry

ü  2 Tâbléspoons cornstârch or ârrowroot powdér
ü  2-3 Tâbléspoons wâtér (plus moré âs néédéd to thin out consisténcy of sâucé)


a)     In â lârgé zip-top bâg, toss in chickén, cornstârch, sâlt ând blâck péppér. Shâké until wéll-coâtéd.
b)     Héât â lârgé skillét ovér médium-high héât. Cook chickén âbout 2-3 minutés on éâch sidé, until lightly brownéd. **Skip this stép if in â pinch ând âdd chickén diréctly to thé slow cookér.
c)     Trânsfér chickén into slow cookér. (SÉÉ NOTÉ FOR STOVÉTOP DIRÉCTIONS)
d)     In â médium bowl, whisk togéthér thé soy sâucé, wâtér, honéy, hoisin sâucé, gârlic, gingér ând réd péppér chili flâkés ând pour ovér chickén.
e)     Covér ând cook on LOW for 2.5 - 4 hours or HIGH for 1.5 - 3 hours. (SÉÉ NOTÉ)
f)      ……………………
g)     …………………………………..
h)     ……………………………………………
i)      ……………………………………………………..

Full recipes : therecipecritic.com

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