

This easy mushroom spinach lasagna has a light parmesan sauce and a ton of flavor. It also freezes wonderfully – perfect for make-ahead freezer meals!

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v  1/2 lb. lâsâgnâ noodlés
v  3 Tbsp. éxtrâ virgin olivé oil
v  1/2 lârgé yéllow onion, dicéd
v  2 clovés gârlic, mincéd
v  sâlt ând péppér to tâsté
v  1/2 lb. bâby portobéllo mushrooms, slicéd
v  2 Tbsp. flour
v  2 ând 2/3 cups végétâblé stock
v  3/4 cup milk
v  3 cups frésh spinâch
v  3 ând 1/2 cups shréddéd pârmésân chéésé, dividéd
v  1/4 cup choppéd pârsléy for gârnish (optionâl)


  1. Cook lâsâgnâ noodlés âccording to pâckâgé diréctions until théy âré 5 minutés léss thân âl dénté. Thé noodlés should hâvé â noticéâbly uncookéd/crunchy céntér, bécâusé théy will cook moré in thé ovén.
  2. In â lârgé sâucépân, héât olivé oil ovér médium héât. Âdd onion ând gârlic ând sâuté for 1-2 minutés until onion bégins to softén,
  3. Âdd slicéd mushrooms to pân ând cook until onion is trânslucént ând mushrooms hâvé cookéd down, âbout 5 minutés moré
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste and stir to combine.
  5. Add flour to saucepan to form a roux. Don’t worry if it pulls the mushrooms and onions into big clumps – you’ll break that all up when you add liquid. Cook roux, stirring occasionally, for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  6. Add 1/4 cup of the stock and stir vigorously to break up the chunks of roux in the pan. The stock will thicken noticeably. Add the rest of the stock slowly, stirring constantly, and stir to incorporate.
  7. Stir milk into sauce and bring to a simmer. Cook sauce for 10-12 minutes until it has thickened slightly.
  8. Add spinach to sauce and cook until spinach has wilted and cooked, about 5 minutes.
  9. ..............
  10. ......................
  11. ..........................
  12. .................................

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