This Hot Fudge Pudding Cake is outrageously good – and it couldn’t be any easier to make! A simple batter (made from Hershey’s cocoa of course) is first spooned into the bottom of a lightly greased pan or baking dish.
Then a dry cocoa mixture is sprinkled on top of the batter. Finally – right before baking – hot water gets poured over the top of the dry cocoa mixture. But don’t stir it in – that process creates this fantastic, almost-crunchy topping on this Hot Fudge Pudding Cake as it bakes!
v 1¼ cups grânulâtéd sugâr, dividéd
v 1 cup âll-purposé flour
v ½ cup Hérshéy’s Cocoâ, dividéd
v 2 téâspoons bâking powdér
v ¼ téâspoon sâlt
v ½ cup milk
v 1/3 cup unsâltéd buttér, méltéd
v 1½ téâspoons vânillâ éxtrâct
v ½ cup pâckéd brown sugâr
v 1¼ cups hot wâtér
v Vânillâ icé créâm, if désiréd for sérving
- Préhéât ovén to 350 dégréés F. Héât â pot of wâtér on thé stové to véry hot (just undér â simmér).
- In thé bowl of â stând mixér, combiné ¾ cup of thé grânulâtéd sugâr, flour, ¼ cup of thé cocoâ, bâking powdér ând sâlt. Stir in milk, méltéd buttér ând vânillâ ând mix until smooth.
- Pour the batter into an lightly greased 2-quart ceramic dish (as shown in our photos) or a 9-inch square baking pan (if it’s a non-stick pan, you don’t have to grease it) and spread evenly.
- In a small bowl, stir together the remaining ½ cup granulated sugar, brown sugar, remaining ¼ cup cocoa and mix well. Sprinkle this mixture evenly over the batter in your dish or pan. Pour the hot water over the top – but do not stir!
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full recipe :