
Cloud Breakfast Eggs

Cloud Breakfast Eggs are the perfect way to start the weekend. Soft fluffy whites with a runny yolk in the center, ready in 10 minutes

My Mum always taught me the importance of a good breakfast, infact she’s been known to make it a multiple course affair. An extra special effort was always made before a big school day, like an exam or school trip, just to make sure we were on top form.
One breakfast I remember in particular was before I left on a school trip to a residential activity centre. It was going to be the longest I’d spent away from my family and I was a bundle of nervous excitement. With my bags packed, my Mum made sure I had eaten a really good breakfast before I left on the adventure. I guess it was the last thing she could do for me before I got on the bus.
That’s what this recipe is made for really, to feed your kids up on those very important days and send them away with a breakfast they’ll love. Plus it only takes ten minutes.

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  • 1 egg per nest
Filling Ideas:
  • Cooked meats: ham, chorizo, prosciutto, bacon lardons, pancetta
  • Grated cheese: parmesan, gruyere, red leicester, cheddar
  • Herbs: parsley, thyme, chives
  • Greens: spinach, kale, rocket
  • Spices: smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, chilli flakes, cajun spice mix


  1. Preheat the oven to 220C (425F, gas mark 7)
  2. Separate the egg white from the yolk
  3. Whisk the egg whites in a mixer bowl with a pinch of salt until it forms stiff peaks
  4. Gently fold in any chosen ingredients
  5. Pile in to nest shapes on a lined baking sheet, one nest per egg used.
  6. Bake for 3 minutes, then slip the yolk in to the center of the nest
  7. Another 3 minutes in the oven and they should be fluffy, golden mounds, ready to serve
Source alifeofgeekery.co.uk
Forget fried, try these eggs this weekend. Ready in just 10 minutes, they are super quick and simple.

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