The crepe recipe is the same as the Oatmeal Waffles but with more water, to thin the batter. That being said, like the oatmeal waffles, they can be a little soft in the middle. When cooking, make sure to press down on the done side to squeeze down the batter. These crepes take much longer than flour crepes but are so worth it!
- 2 cup rolled oats
- 2 1/2 cups water (add more as it sits and thickens if needed)
- 1 medium banana
- 1 tbsp raw sugar, or other sweetener
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Sprinkle or two of cinnamon (optional)
- Sweet Cashew Cream mmm mmm mmm
- Sliced bananas
- Chopped or sliced fresh berries of your choice
- Chopped nuts of your choice (pecans are a great compliment)
- Ground flax seeds (a small sprinkle)
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Berry Sauce
- Make the cashew cream and berry sauce before you make the crepes. They chill in the fridge while you make the crepes. Be sure you have soaked your cashews for the cashew cream-read the recipe before you start!
- For the crepes, place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Let stand a few minutes, if the batter becomes too thick, add enough additional water to make batter easily pourable and thin enough to make a thin crepe.
- Pour into a large skillet heated at medium heat. Immediately rotate the pan around to spread the batter to the edges, making a thin crepe.
- Cook until the edges start to come up and it is easily flipped over. Each side takes 3-5 minutes. ~Tip~spray spatula with some cooking spray (or use water) on both sides and it won't stick to or rip the crepe when you flip it.)
- Once flipped over, periodically press down on it to spread it thinner and make it cook through. Cook until it is well browned on each side, it will look like it is not fully cooked but that is ok it will dry out a bit in the oven and soft is good. Store in the oven until you are ready to put them together.
- Chop the fruits and nuts. Place one crepe on a serving plate, spread desired amount of cashew cream length wise down the crepe (like a burrito). Top with chopped fruits, nuts, and sprinkle a small amount of flax on top of that. Spread a thinner amount of cashew cream on top of it all so it will stick when you roll the crepe.
- Roll the crepe tightly and top the crepe with Berry Sauce and/or pure maple syrup then ENJOY!